About Sport Supplement Scams

The sports nutrition market, including diet supplements, exercise equipment and videos and certain cosmetics, is an 80 billion dollar a year industry. The sad part about this industry is that it’s built primarily of deception, false claims, lies and outright fraud. In fact, some of the most successful companies are the biggest offenders.

You see, consumers want miracles and companies and the individuals behind them are all too willing to sell you magic pills, powders, creams and potions. Combine this with loosely enforced government regulations and you are ripe for the picking. Most of it is modern day snake-oil sold by modern day charlatans.

These companies have had a free ride for too long. No one speaks up because there is too much money to be made off the scams. The fitness magazines say nothing because they make money off the fraudulent ads – tons of money. The stores like GNC say nothing because they make money from selling you the worthless supplements from demand created by the fraudulent ads. Competing companies say nothing because they are doing the same thing. It’s a revolving door of fraud. One where all facets of dissemination and distribution are involved.

Sport Supplement Scams is here to give you the facts, whether you like them or not, on just what the scams are, how to identify scams right away, and how to look deeper into the mumbo-jumbo companies use to make you think their products perform magic.

You might not like all that you read here. No one likes to be told that they have been fleeced. Don’t kill the messenger. Get over it and smarten up. What you are about to learn will save you being scammed and help you spend your money wisely. It will open your eyes to the underbelly of an industry where money talks louder than science.

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